Oftentimes, unforeseen events can occur when cruising on a highway. In a split second, a highway can easily become a place of tragedy, especially for first-time motorists. Most motorists never give much thought to their cars experiencing a tyre blowout. A tyre burst is likely to cause your vehicle to swerve abruptly or even roll over. Besides swerving, a tyre explosion can cause your car to collide with other vehicles, leading to a traffic snarl up and devastating accidents. Knowing how to respond to tyre blowouts when on the wheel will avert fatalities and collisions. Here are a few tips that first-time motorists can use when they encounter this unexpected occurrence.

Manage Panic Reaction -- When a tyre bursts while driving at full speed, do your best to not panic. Whether it is a front or rear tyre, many right-hand drive cars will always veer to the left to avoid colliding with oncoming vehicles. Most drivers' instinct is to slam on the brakes and turn the steering wheel to the right. However, this reaction is dangerous because the car is likely to lose traction on the road, making you incapable of controlling it, and swerve to the right. The car will then turn at 90 degrees and face the direction of traffic. The car might even flip and eventually overturn. To avoid this scenario, you need to remember the appropriate steps to get the vehicle to the side of the road.

Steady Acceleration and Counter Steering -- A tyre blowout creates a drag that slows your vehicle. You will need to steadily step on the accelerator to stabilize the car. At this point, the vehicle will remain in your lane and allow you to regain control of it. Never jump from the accelerator to slamming on the brakes because this will cause the car to lose control.  A gradual transition of pedals will allow you to maintain control and bring the car to a stop. When a blowout occurs, the steering wheel naturally becomes heavy, but this should not deter you from counter steering to the opposite direction of the drag. Have both your hands on the wheel to enable you to control the vehicle steadily.   

Pull over to the Roadside – After you let your foot off the accelerator, the vehicle will eventually slow down on its own due to the dragging tyre. You will need to steer the vehicle to the side of the highway when it is safe to do so. You can then turn on the hazard lights only when the car has completely stopped. Trying to go for the lights while controlling the vehicle can take your eyes off the road and cause a serious accident. To manage the risk of tyre blowouts, always ensure that you fasten your seat belt and regularly check your tyre pressures.    

